April 1, 2009

Take me out to the ball game

Baseball is officially underway (well for Kasen anyway, Peyton has been playing since February)! After having their first games cancelled last Saturday Peyton and Kasen both played last night....and won! Peyton 11-6 and Kasen 2-0. Peyton's first at bat was mashed to the outfield (his words, not mine). It was only a single, but he got a RBI. Kasen's last at bat, he had 2 strikes against him in the 5th with the winning run on third. He got a great hit down the first base line bringing the runner home. My boys are awesome!
Peyton is doing two leagues this year, city league and super league. He plays 4 games a week, twice on weekdays and double headers on Saturdays, plus about 4 tournaments. He plays with an awesome group of boys (8 of them play on both teams) and has some great coaches. He has played with most of these kids and for three of the coaches going on 2 years. The rest of the kids joined the group last summer and they plan on them all playing together until high school, how great would that be! I love all the boys, they are so cute and tons of fun to be around. An extra bonus is that they all have great parents I get along with.
Luckily, Kasen isn't quite there yet and is only playing city league. He is loving it this year....not only does he get to have his cousin Tyson on his team (for the third year), but his dad is coaching him! I love to watch Kasen play. He is so little, but thinks that he should be playing with the big kids! It is so cute when he wears the catchers gear and batting helmets, they drowned him. I can't help but smile when I watch him. He is seriously so stinkin' cute out there.
Josh thinks that he is superman and is a coach on all three teams. I get to be team mom for two of them and poor, poor Kylie. What else can I say, she is such a trooper. I love her! And..how lucky are we, with 4 games during the week there are never two games at the exact same time and there are only 3 that are on the same day but have about an hour start difference. I was worrying I would have to choose whose games I missed. It's also nice that their fields are right next to each other, so I can just stand in the middle and watch them both.
Even though running to 6 games a week for the next three months doesn't sound like much fun and will be a bit overwhelming at times, I am going to be loving it. I am so grateful for the lessons that they are learning, for the life long friends they are making and for the memories that they are creating. It is times like these that they will remember for the rest of their lives. I am so proud of them for going out, doing their best and trying their hardest when sometimes that is all they can do. Love you boys, keep up the good work!

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