April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Kasen

So, now that I have a little free time I will do what I should have done 3 days ago and wish Kasen a Happy Birthday.
April 20, 2003 Kasen James came into the world 3 weeks early on an Easter Sunday kicking and screaming. 6 years later the only thing that has changed is that he screams much louder and kicks much harder. He is my little half and half. He doesn't have a worry in the world and yet he worries about the littlest things. Example: one day we were late getting the boys from school and I told Josh that when we got there Peyton would be in tears and Kasen wouldn't even know anything was wrong. I hit the nail right on the head, Peyton was in tears and Kasen was just moseying on right behind him watching the birds. Then in the same night Kasen kept getting out of bed asking if the doors and windows were locked. He is a bit careless yet cares very much for his brother and sister. I love him for that.
He brings so much fun to our family. I have been told that I have a Jered on my hands. And for those of you who know Jered, please keep me in your prayers ;) ;).He is my cute "little guy". I will be so sad the day he gets is growth spurt and turns into a young man. The cutest thing I absolutely love him for right now is the way he wears his hats. When he puts them on they never quite fit him right and always push his ears down. The other day I saw him put one on, adjust it a bit and then feel his ears. Oh my gosh I could have died. It was so dang cute. My heart will seriously break the day that his hats fit him and his ears no longer stick out. Happy 6th Birthday Kasey Bugs. I love you with all my heart and am so proud to be your mom. I love the way that you keep a hold of me when I give you good night hugs. I love your cute little laugh. I love, but hate, when you cry over EVERY little thing that happens to you. I love when you learn something new or do something just as good as your big brother and have that proud look on your face and I love that you ask for a snack morning, noon and night. I love being your mom and all that goes with it. You are going to turn into such a great young man one day and I know that I am so lucky to be here to guide you along and watch you grow!

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